Deeper dive into roadmap and potential other futures

This is a message that was originally released on Patreon, after the original post the Luck patch is live with an additional environmental effect the fireball.

Clockwork Survivors was released under a week ago and we have already added a new environment effect, the spikeball.  A rolling ball that does high damage to you, namely appearing in levels after 1.  

There was a short mention of Luck in the previous patch notes where we added the spike balls and now I'm here to explain what it is mostly about. Some small changes may still happen before release and it may change after its release too of course. 

Luck is an overarching stat that affects other stats. At the moment of writing this luck affects two stats: Critical Chance and Multiprojectile Chance in a straightforward adding the luck stat on top of the already existing chance. The other two parts of luck are as follows: While opening a chest every percent gives you a chance to upgrade your chest to the next one aka gain more loot; The final one being double experience drop, where enemies drop a big experience which is worth 10 instead of the regular 5. 

Luck should bring an interesting option to go for instead of the regular crit chance and multiprojectile chance while giving additional benefits. Some future additions to the game will increase the interesting choices that come with luck. 

Part 2 Mobile

Simultaneously as we are working on the big patches we are working on the mobile version and are hopeful that there will be some news about it before the end of February. Most features are already built and it requires mostly testing and finetuning the touch interactions. 

Part 3 Prelude

True ending is something you'll miss out on in this post as we iron out more details, but the prelude is something I can talk further about. The words on the roadmap are quite heavy hints, rather straight up facts, but I'll try to help it out further. 

As you are gathering steam and going higher in levels there is a ceiling of spikes that you are trying to reach through. The suffering balloons at the end/start of the are proof to the turbulent ending of their time. In the prelude version you can reach for the spikes, but not punch through. That will be the work of the True Ending itself. 

Now the prelude will add something at the end of your game that you have to beat, not simply level 4, but something more interesting...

Part 4 Patreon Exclusive Information

Information was shared on patreon about more experimental features we are thinking and or testing that might never make it in to the game. 

Part 5 Last words

This is quite the long post already so I'll leave you with a few simple words: Have fun, be nice and take care of yourself. 


PS. If you are still reading this there is a few free copies still available on the itch store page. 

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